
Primary School


Anthony Wayne Local School District News Article

PowerSchool Data Breach

January 10, 2025
Dear Anthony Wayne Local Schools Families:
Recently, you may have heard on the news that PowerSchool suffered a data breach. It is important to know that while AWLS does use the platform, the District’s information was not compromised in any way.
Our technology team has investigated the District’s server information and no malicious intrusion was found. Additionally, the District’s PowerSchool hosting provider, the Northwest Ohio Computer Association (NwOCA) has confirmed that AWLS was not affected by the breach.
Penta Career Center Affected
It is important to note that this afternoon, we were notified by Penta Career Center that some students enrolled in their programs and the Penta satellite programs at AWLS were involved in the breach. Please see the attached letter for more information from Penta Career Center. If you have questions about the breach, please contact Penta Career Center at 419-666-6049.

Proactive Approach to Data Security at AWLS
Data security will remain a top priority for the District, and the Technology Department continually seeks ways to bolster cybersecurity, with a vigilant focus on proactive prevention.
Recent actions and upgrades taken to improve the District’s digital operations include:
1. Updating Software Regularly: Updates and security patches for devices and servers are monitored and updated as needed to protect against vulnerabilities.
2. Replacing Outdated Equipment: Hardware that can no longer be updated with the latest security measures is replaced with newer technology.
3. Maintaining Anti-virus Protection: All devices across the district are equipped with reliable anti-virus software to detect potential threats.
4. Backing Up Data: Comprehensive backup systems and strategies have been developed and implemented to ensure quick recovery in the event of a problem.
5. Developing Cybersecurity Emergency Response Plans: The team has developed an emergency response plan should a data breach occur, and regularly tests and updates these plans.
6. Training for Prevention: Ongoing cybersecurity training and information is provided to staff on a regular basis to build awareness of and resilience against cyber threats.
7. Protecting Access: Two-factor identity authentication has been implemented and is required across the District. 
8. Limiting USB Sharing: The practice of exchanging files on USB storage devices has been limited to minimize risks of malware infections. 
9. Raising Awareness: Identification strategies and next steps for protection are shared regularly with staff to increase awareness of, and intercept the latest phishing tactics  
10. Choosing Products Thoughtfully: The Technology Department closely evaluates and assesses products and services for security before purchase, partnership and implementation.
These measures reflect the District’s commitment to creating a secure digital infrastructure for students and staff. By staying abreast of the latest threats, protections and practices, the District can protect the integrity of our systems and devices.
If you have any questions about the District’s cybersecurity measures, please feel free to contact me.
Dr. Chris Hamady, Director of Technology
Anthony Wayne Local Schools
 Penta Career Center Data Breach Letter to Families

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