Anthony Wayne

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Anthony Wayne Local School District News Article

Staff Spotlight: Human Resources Director, Brad Contat

brad contact at career expo

by Ashlyn Shafer, AWHS Senior and Communications Intern

Hiring and Human Resources at Anthony Wayne Local Schools is managed by Dr. Brad Contat, Director of Human Resources, and I decided to ask him a few questions to celebrate National HR Professionals Day!

How would you define a Human Resources Professional?
Dr. Contat answered, “I would define a human resources professional as someone who cares about the well-being of their people…This can encompass many facets, from wellness, career paths and development, to ensuring climate and culture are conducive to a positive work environment”. 

How did you get into education?
He had a rather unique start, because after graduating instead of going straight into school, he joined the Army. “After being deployed, I truly realized the importance of education in our society”, he said, “I then decided to transition back to be an educator, where I started as a 5th-grade teacher here at AW at Fallen Timbers Middle School almost 20 years ago.”

Why did you become an HR Professional?
Dr. Contat spoke of the every-day impact on students from adults in education, and also explained that, “No matter my role in education, teacher, principal, HR, etc., I see myself as an educator, and currently, my title happens to be Director of HR. I didn't seek out to be an HR Professional; I wanted to have a more significant impact on the well-being of staff so they could have the most significant impact possible on student achievement.  This is why I, no matter the title, always see myself as an educator, and this is something I express to all staff, even those who are not teachers.” 

What does a normal day look like?
Dr. Contat talked about his varying schedule a bit, and told me, “Every day is unique for me, and it looks different. I may be working on a safety or wellness initiative for the district, transitioning to marketing and hiring, and then possibly need to assist with items in various departments or school buildings. This could be followed by a meeting related to payroll and benefits and an onboarding meeting with new hires.Then, a call with a staff member who has a concern. I am a planner by nature and will know what I want to work on each day, but it rarely goes as planned, and flexibility is king. It for sure keeps me engaged and on my toes.”   

What is your favorite part of your job? What is a struggle?
“[My] favorite part of my job is the struggles…I encounter unique and challenging situations that may occur in the district, and I enjoy them. It is rewarding to get through a complex problem that requires critical thinking and collaboration, and many times, even in some of the more challenging situations, there is always some good that comes out of it, and at the end of the day, you have helped others.”

Who or what inspires you?
“It inspires me to work collectively with others to achieve something more significant than the self or observe individual sacrifice for the greater good. Education is one of the most unique workplaces...and it is truly inspiring.”

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