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Anthony Wayne Local School District News Article

District Safety and Reunification Letter

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Dear Anthony Wayne School Community,
As I’m sure you are aware, schools across the country are facing increasing concerns regarding safety and security, from hoax threats to real crisis situations. The safety of our students and staff is a top priority at Anthony Wayne Schools, and it is important that you are aware of the District’s plans for responding to emergency situations.
Please know the District works closely with local law enforcement and fire departments to prepare for different types of emergencies in a collaborative effort to keep students and staff safe in any situation. These preparations include holding regular meetings, reviewing and updating the Emergency Response Plan, and holding regular training drills. This training includes drills with staff on how to lock down classrooms and buildings, and/or initiate intelligent escape/evacuation depending on the circumstances of the situation. 
In the case of a threat of violence or emergency situation, the Emergency Response Plan will be activated, with law enforcement leading the crisis response, with full cooperation and collaboration from the District. The District asks that all parents, guardians and community members follow the guidance of first responders to ensure a swift response, maintain a controlled environment and allow for an efficient reunification process. 
It is understood that your natural response will be to want to reconnect with your child as soon as possible. Please do not attempt to report to any incident site. It is critical that first responders have clear access to respond and access to the area will be restricted and maintained in order to secure the area and protect all. 
The District will communicate school emergency information with families as soon as possible and provide updates as needed to keep you informed of any developing situations. Students will be released to custodial parents or guardians (with proper identification) only when law enforcement has determined that the incident has been resolved and it is safe to do so.
At that time, the District will send instructions for where custodial parents and legal guardians should report to show proper identification to school personnel and be reunified with their children. Please be patient during this process. It is for your child’s safety that the District takes every measure to ensure that your child is released to the proper individual, and only when it has been determined to be safe.
Anthony Wayne Local Schools works diligently to provide a secure environment for students to learn, and appreciates the continued partnership with our local law enforcement, staff, families and community to ensure all students are safe. If you learn of a potential threat or other suspicious behavior, please report it to local law enforcement by calling 9-1-1 or contacting the Ohio School Safety Center hotline at 844-SAFEROHIO.
If you have any questions concerning school safety or the reunification process, please feel free to contact me at 419-877-5377 or [email protected].
Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a safe school environment.
Kevin Herman, 
Assistant Superintendent
Anthony Wayne Local Schools
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