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Anthony Wayne

Local Schools


Health Services

Welcome to Health Service at Anthony Wayne Local Schools! Our school nursing staff are here to support your child's physical wellness while at school. The answers to most questions about communicable illness, allergies and medications at school can be found in the AWLS Nursing Services Handbook.

If you have specific questions about your child's health at school, please contact your school nurse.

Reporting an Absence

In the event of an illness, parents or guardians are required to call the school by 8:00 a.m. (Campus buildings) or 9:00 a.m. (Primary buildings). A parent/guardian note is required upon the child's return to school.

Parents/guardians may choose to send an email to report an absence or submit supporting documentation such as a doctor's note.
Excused and Unexcused Absences Due to Illness
  • Absences due to illness will be marked as excused with parent notification via phone or written note for up to five consecutive days.
  • On the sixth day of absence, the student will be marked unexcused and the absence will require a note from a physician.

Is my child too sick for school?

You know your child best and whether or not he or she is feeling up to attending school, but sometimes it's hard to make the call. The Nurse Handbook linked above offers tips to help you decide whether your child is well enough to attend school. We are happy to answer your questions and check in on your child during the day.

Medications at School

If your child needs medications at school, the appropriate forms may be downloaded from the links on the right hand side of this webpage, or obtained from the school office.

The appropriate Anthony Wayne Medication Form must include the signatures of the parent/guardian and physician where indicated, and be submitted with accompany all medications. A new form must be completed every year. 

All medications must be in the correctly labeled bottle and dated to the current school year. Medications MAY NOT be sent to school with the student. They must be brought into school by the parent or guardian.

Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen are available for students at Fallen Timbers Middle School, Anthony Wayne Junior High and Anthony Wayne High School, with a signed non-prescribed over-the-counter form.

We do allow children to bring cough drops to school. Elementary children should bring a signed note from a parent or guardian. The cough drops will be kept in the clinic or with the child's teacher.

Orajel, triple antibiotic ointment, Caladryl lotion, and cough drops in the clinic are administered based upon nurse discretion.


Sarah Tapley, RN, BSN
Anthony Wayne High School

Libby Gagen, RN, BSN, LSN
Anthony Wayne Junior High

Amy Baburek, RN, MS
Fallen Timbers Middle School

Fay Birkemeier, RN, BSN
Monclova Primary School

Valerie Bradfield, RN, BSN
Waterville Primary School

Laura Soeder, RN, BSN
Whitehouse Primary School
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