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Anthony Wayne

Local Schools


Gifted Services

Gifted Services

Welcome to Gifted Services at Anthony Wayne Local Schools!

The goals of Anthony Wayne's Gifted Services Department are to:
  • Enhance the academic achievement and motivation of the student identified as gifted by engaging them in an academically enriched and accelerated curriculum structured to meet their needs.
  • Facilitate the development of the child by addressing their unique academic, social and emotional needs.
  • Provide the student with tools to understand and use effective problem solving and decision making strategies to prepare them for meaningful participation in their future endeavors and as a part of a global society.
  • Allow the student the opportunity to interact with and learn from their academically and socially similar peers.

Testing Referrals

Recommendations for a testing pool includes the standardized testing results provided to the whole grade groups, parents/guardians, peers, administrators or other related professionals. Self-recommendation is also encouraged and a student may be tested up to twice per year.

Please submit the Consent for Referral Testing form if you would like to have your child assessed.

Continuum of Services

Anthony Wayne Local Schools provides a continuum of services to students ages five to 18 identified as gifted based on Ohio’s Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Students Who are Gifted

Please review the list of available services below and contact us if you have any questions about your child's eligibility.

Early Entrance to Kindergarten and First Grade

Entrance to kindergarten or first grade before a student meets the age requirements is considered a gifted service for the initial year.

  • Both cognitive and achievement testing is administered to the student. A score of 115 or higher (120+ preferred) on the cognitive assessment is needed to proceed to the achievement testing in reading and math. A modified version of the Iowa Acceleration Scale is used to determine final eligibility.
Service Setting
  • Regular Classroom
Service Requirement
  • Both a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP) and a Written Education Plan (WEP) are required.

Whole Grade Acceleration

Accelerating or skipping a year is considered a gifted service for the initial year.

  • Both cognitive and achievement testing is administered to the student. A score of 115 or higher (120+ preferred) on the cognitive assessment is needed to proceed to the achievement testing in reading and math. A modified version of the Iowa Acceleration Scale is used to determine final eligibility.
Service Setting
  • Regular Classroom
Service Requirement
  • Both a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP) and a Written Education Plan (WEP) are required.

Subject Acceleration, Grades K-12

Accelerating or skipping a year in a specific subject (typically math) is considered a gifted service for the initial year.

  • Academic testing in a specific subject area is completed using either the Iowa Assessment or Woodcock-Johnson assessment. A score of 95% or higher on an above level Iowa or a 75% or higher two grades up on the Woodcock-Johnson is needed. In addition, the student must successfully pass the emotional screener completed by the teacher.
Service Setting
  • Regular classroom
Service Requirement
  • Both a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP) and a Written Education Plan (WEP) are required.

Learning Enrichment and Acceleration Program (LEAP), Grades 3-6

LEAP is a program designed to meet the various needs of students at the primary and middle school levels. There are two classes, one for reading and one for math. Students may qualify for one or both.

  • Students must score a minimum of 128 on a state-approved ability test and score 90% or higher (plus or minus one standard deviation) in the areas of reading and/or math on a state-approved achievement test, or
  • The student must score a minimum of 120 on a state-approved ability test and score a 95% or higher (plus or minus one standard deviation) in the areas of reading and/or math on a state approved achievement test.
Service Setting
  • LEAP classroom with gifted education teacher
Service Requirement
  • A Written Education Plan (WEP) is required.

Junior High Honors Program, Grades 7-8

The junior high honors program offers a rigorous academic opportunity for students in a variety of subjects.

  • Students must earn a qualifying score on the placement test for each subject. The requirements for each test vary based on the subject in question.
Service Setting
  • Honors classroom with honors teacher who has received high-quality professional development
Service Requirement
  • A Written Education Plan (WEP) is required.

High School Advanced Placement (AP) Classes, Grades 9-12

Advanced Placement (AP) classes offer a rigorous academic opportunity for students, including the option of testing for college credit.

Service Setting
  • AP classroom with an AP-certified teacher
Service Requirement
  • A Written Education Plan (WEP) is required.


Anthony Wayne Local Schools
9565 Bucher Rd.
Whitehouse, OH 43571

Phone: 419-877-5377
Fax: 419-877-9352

Brian Billings
Director of Gifted Services

Krista Hertzfeld
Grades 3 - 4
Monclova Primary School

Jennifer Thomas
Grades 3 - 4
Waterville Primary School

Joni Gutierrez
Grades 3 - 4
Whitehouse Primary School

Laura Buchanan
Grade 5
Fallen Timbers Middle School

Laura Amburgey
Grade 6
Fallen Timbers Middle School
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