
Primary School


Anthony Wayne Local School District News Article

VIDEO: Monclova Primary Fourth Graders Celebrate Idioms Day

In a project that left both teachers and students in stitches, creativity took center stage as Monclova Primary fourth grade students brought idioms to life with creative costumes. 

They strutted their stuff on the runway for the third grade classrooms.  Learning about figurative meaning in literature and idioms is part of both the third and fourth grade curriculum and the event has become a favorite as student enjoy their time in the limelight.   

Some of the costumes had students in stitches, others left them scratching their heads as they put on their thinking caps and put their heads together to figure them out. In the blink of an eye, the event was over and the students headed back to class to hit the books.  

A picture is worth a thousand words, and we know that you will have a ball trying to pick your brain to figure out the costumed clues. Some of them will be a piece of cake, but for others you will have to be one smart cookie to figure them out -- and we won't spill the beans or let the cat out of the bag!

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