Anthony Wayne High School sophomore Emma Abraham and her neighbor, Natalie DeWitz, an Anthony Wayne Junior High eighth grader saw a need in our community and decided to take action. The pair are longtime friends and attend the same church. COVID-19 shut down the congregation's annual Election Day Bake Sale, but the girls decided it was time to bring it back.
They organized the sale, collecting baked goods from volunteers and baking treats themselves. Emma and Natalie raised $350 to benefit the Anthony Wayne Community Food Ministry's Weekend Food Bag Program. It helps to ensure that children facing food scarcity have snacks and meals over the weekend, when school breakfast and lunch are not available.
Amy Barrett from the AW Community Food Ministry said that through their girls' efforts, they will be able to serve 85 students for approximately two weeks.
If you know of a family that could benefit from the Weekend Food Bag Program, or would like to make a donation, please contact Amy at 419-261-4584.
From left to right: Emma Abraham, Natalie DeWitz and Amy Barrett