
Primary School


Anthony Wayne Local School District News Article

Anthony Wayne Local Schools Launches Fifty for 50 Project

Anthony Wayne Local Schools is pledging to give back to the community in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the construction of the District’s Fallen Timbers Middle and Monclova Primary schools with the launch of its Fifty for 50 project.

The District is committing to completing 50 acts of service between November 4, 2023 and November 4, 2024. November 4 is recognized as the National Day of Community Service. 

The effort will kick off with District administrators supporting a bake sale organized by Anthony Wayne High School Junior, Emma Abraham. The proceeds from the sale will support the Anthony Wayne Area Food Ministry’s Weekend Food Bag program, benefiting students facing food insecurity.

AWLS superintendent, Dr. Jim Fritz says it is a way for the District to give back to the community that has contributed so much to the education of its children.

“This isn’t about fulfilling a quota of good deeds, but rather an effort to show our gratitude,” he said. “We hope that these activities will serve to instill in our students the importance of giving back to the community that has consistently supported their academic, athletic and personal pursuits.”

The Fifty for 50 project honors the collective spirit of the many organizations, businesses, congregations and individuals who share their resources and talents to the benefit of the Anthony Wayne community’s children. 

AWLS will share its progress towards achieving its goal of completing 50 service projects before November 4, 2024 on its website at www.AnthonyWayneSchools.org/Fiftyfor50

The Anthony Wayne Local Schools district became a reality in the early 1950’s when Monclova, Waterville and Whitehouse Schools voted to consolidate. The District has seen many changes throughout the years as it responded to an explosion of population growth. 

Fallen Timbers Middle School was constructed on the Finzel Road Campus in 1973 and originally served students in fifth, sixth and seventh grades. It is now home to grades five and six. Later that same year, the District broke ground on the new Monclova Primary School adjacent to the original building at the corner of Monclova and Waterville-Monclova roads. This building serves Pre-K through grade four students.

Today, the District has become one of the top school districts in the state, providing outstanding learning opportunities to approximately 4400 students in grades Pre-K through 12. It also employs hundreds of teaching, administrative and support staff who strive to achieve the District’s mission of empowering students to be future ready.

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