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School Closing Inclement Weather
Anthony Wayne Local Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, January 22 due to the continued dangerously low windchills.

Anthony Wayne

Local Schools


Our History

A Brief History of Anthony Wayne Schools

In the early 1950's Anthony Wayne Local Schools began with a vision of the citizens and school boards from Monclova, Waterville and Whitehouse Schools. At that time students attended classes in their respective home communities and no central educational facility existed.

Today, the Anthony Wayne Local Schools District covers 77 square miles and serves Monclova Township, Waterville, Whitehouse, and parts of Swanton, Middleton and Providence Townships. The District is comprised of six schools that serve approximately 4,200 students and hundreds of teaching, administrative and support staff. 

The consolidation into a united Anthony Wayne Local Schools initiated more than 70 years of incredible growth in educational opportunities for area students. What was once known as the Monclova, Waterville and Whitehouse communities evolved into the Anthony Wayne Community - quite a feat considering the initial opposition to the consolidation! 


The AW Community rallied around its new school district, encouraging its growth and success through the years. Below is a timeline of the improvements and enhancements our school facilities have undergone over the last seven decades.


May 5, 1951

The first Anthony Wayne Local Schools graduation ceremony was held in the Whitehouse School stadium. Clyde Hissong, Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Ohio, served as the keynote speaker. 


August 15, 1951

Groundbreaking for the new Anthony Wayne High School took place on a centrally-located, 35.5-acre site on Finzel Road in Whitehouse.


May 23, 1952

The second graduating class of Anthony Wayne Local Schools held their commencement ceremony in the Whitehouse Auditorium, with Congressman Frazier Reams as the guest speaker. 


January 19, 1953

Students moved into the newly-constructed Anthony Wayne High School with school local citizens helping by moving boxes, books and equipment. This 57,400-square-foot building was designed to hold 600-650 students. A 602-seat auditorium was included with the building as a direct result of savings achieved on the original bids for building construction.


April 19, 1953

The Anthony Wayne High School dedication ceremony took place with Dr. Walter A. Zaugg of Bowling Green State University as the keynote speaker. 



A field house and football stadium for 2,000 fans were erected on the Anthony Wayne High School campus.



A junior high school was constructed next to the high school at a cost of $1,450,000. First named Fallen Timbers Junior High, the school later became Fallen Timbers Middle School in the fall of 1968 when classrooms were added to the south end of the building.



Then in 1968, the original Anthony Wayne High School building was expanded at a cost of $1,450,000. This addition included classrooms, laboratories, a new cafeteria and an enlarged music and theater wing. With this expansion, the ninth grade students were moved to the high school and Fallen Timbers Junior High housed grades six through eight. 


Also this year, a one-story expansion was added to Whitehouse Primary School. 



A new Fallen Timbers was built to house not only grades six and seven, but fifth grade students as well. The former junior high became part of the high school and was called Anthony Wayne South. 


Later that same year, Monclova Primary School was constructed at the corner of Monclova and Waterville-Monclova Roads, next to the original Monclova School building. This elementary building housed students in kindergarten through fourth grades.


May 2, 1995 

Financing for a $13,400,000 high school renovation, the construction of a new Waterville Primary School and improvements in all other Anthony Wayne buildings was secured through the approval of a bond issue.



Anthony Wayne High School was renovated to include a second floor of classrooms, a new 2,200 seat gymnasium, a state-of-the-art performing arts center, enlarged band and choir rooms, upgraded science labs and expanded computer labs. 


The District also built a new Waterville Primary School. The 65,310-square-foot building included a community room and was designed to accommodate 620 students. 


Improvements at Whitehouse Primary included kitchen and cafeteria expansions and the addition of an elevator.



Anthony Wayne South was renamed Anthony Wayne Junior High School and housed seventh and eighth grade students. At this time, and after several generations of students of mixed grades Fallen Timbers Middle School became home to students in grades five and six.


March 2000

With an eye on the future, Anthony Wayne voters overwhelmingly passed a No New Millage Bond issue for $13,750,000 to fund new technological facilities, land acquisition and additional classrooms to meet the growing demands of new programs and residential growth. Virtually every building in the District benefited from this bond issue. 


Monclova Primary saw office and media center expansions, the addition of classrooms and a community room.




A new technology wing and an outdoor sports complex were constructed at Anthony Wayne High School.



Voters passed a 3.3-mill, 5-year Operating Levy. This was the first time the school district received additional operating funds from voters since the last levy in 1992.



A nine-classroom addition was constructed at Monclova Primary. This marked the final addition to this school as it completed the build to its original specifications.


December 2005

Anthony Wayne Central Administrative Offices moved into a new building on Bucher Road in Whitehouse. The Bucher campus, which includes 140 acres for future district expansion, is positioned to house the next generation of Anthony Wayne students. 


Fall 2008

Anthony Wayne voters renewed a 3.3-mill, five-year Operating Levy that generated $3 million per year for five years. 


Fall 2012

The Operating Levy was renewed again by voters for implementation in 2013 for a period of 10 years. 


Fall 2013

With the need to secure additional funding to provide improved services and learning resources, District voters approved a 4.9 millage continuing operating levy. This new levy was the first new operating money voters approved for the District in 10 years. 


Fall of 2016

Voters approved a $44 million dollar bond levy to renovate the District’s six school buildings, add parking to the Campus buildings and security upgrades to each building and replace the Whitehouse Primary building.


The District worked with several contractors to update several items in its buildings, including: roofs, water piping, electrical systems, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting. In addition, four classrooms were added at Waterville Primary, the high school cafeteria was expanded and a new high school auxiliary gym and locker rooms were built to address accessibility issues. With the help of the athletic boosters and different parent support groups for athletics, the high school weight room was expanded as well.

Planning for the Future

Today, Anthony Wayne Local Schools is working with the community to shape the future of the District. Through collaboration with its stakeholders, the District is developing its new Strategic Plan and Facilities Master Plan to ensure that it can meet its mission of empowering students to be future ready.


Anthony Wayne Local Schools gratefully appreciates Becky Jacobs, Mark Knerr and Roy Williamson contributing information for this historical summary of the district.
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