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Anthony Wayne

Local Schools


District Millage Summary

Anthony Wayne Local Schools Current Millage

Anthony Wayne Local Schools collects $1,015.00 dollars for every $100,000 of assessed real estate value.
Our district currently has the lowest effective millage of all the public school districts in Lucas County.

Anthony Wayne Schools 2023 Effective Millage Rates for 2024

Residential / Agricultural General Fund
Bond Retirement
Permanent Improvement
Total Mills

Commercial / Industrial General Fund
Bond Retirement
Permanent Improvement
Total Mills

*excludes vocational millage
 Last updated: March 13, 2024

District Millage Summary

• Anthony Wayne Local School District has a total Voted Millage (including Inside Millage of 2.10 mills – set by Lucas County Commissioners) of 65.95 mills for our General Revenue Fund; of which 24.34 mills is our current effective millage rate for tax collection.  We collect nearly $37,000,000 from local tax collections through the Lucas County Auditor.

• 2.35 mills is for our Emergency Fund that was originally passed in 2003 (4.85 mills) and generates $3 Million annually.  This Emergency Fund comes up for voter renewal every 10 years.  The last approval was November 2022. 

• Our current assessed valuation (2024) is $1,364,361,850.  Assessed value is 35% of the sale value of your home.  (i.e. home value $100,000 * 35% = $35,000 assessed valuation – what you pay taxes on)  As our valuation increases due to reassessment, our effective millage decreases, due to HB 920 which is a tax credit factor applied to voted millage.  As valuation increases, millage decreases, being it takes less millage to generate the voter approved tax dollars.  Currently, 1 mill generates roughly $1,364,362 in the Anthony Wayne School District.

• 3.2 mills is collected annually for our Bond Retirement Fund.  This pays the district debt owed from previously voter approved construction/renovations that occurred in the district. Roughly $4 million is collected annually.  This millage is reviewed by the Lucas County Auditor on an annually basis and reduced according to the district debt schedule.  The districts last refunding was completed in September 2022.

• 2.20 mills is collected annually for our Permanent Improvement Fund.   This is from the movement of Inside Millage (done prior to 2005) and is set-a-side to maintain our buildings and equipment.  No salaries/benefits can be paid from these funds.  Some recent projects/purchases include stadium upgrades, roof replacements, HVAC at Jr High, bus replacements, technology upgrades, textbooks,  etc.  We are collecting approximately $2,730,00.00 annually, which is down due to recent revaluation.

Last updated: March 13, 2024
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