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School Closing Inclement Weather
Anthony Wayne Local Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, January 22 due to the continued dangerously low windchills.

Anthony Wayne

Local Schools


General Information

Communicating Concerns

Questions regarding individual students should first be discussed with the child’s teacher, then the guidance counselor or principal. If further discussion is necessary, the question can be referred to the assistant superintendent and superintendent.

If the matter is not resolved at this point, the question can then be referred to the Board of Education by asking the superintendent to have it placed on the regular monthly agenda.

This process is most effective because it allows the questioner to receive a direct response while at the same time freeing the Board of Education to consider matters and policies affecting the entire district.

Regular Agenda

  1. Call to order / roll call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Correspondence & Points of Information
  5. Items from individual Board members
  6. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS (At this point, time is provided for visitors to make brief comments pertaining to items that appear on this meeting’s agenda. See "Participation Procedures.")
  7. Treasurer’s report and financial information
  8. Superintendent’s educational reports & recommendations
  9. Superintendent’s and Board’s personnel recommendations
  10. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS (At this time, visitors may make brief comments for future Board concerns or discussion. See "Participation Procedures.")
  11. Adjournment

Role of Superintendent

  • Serves as the district’s chief executive officer. Articulates a clear philosophy and shared vision of learning that support high-quality educational services. Promotes the success of all students. Advances the district’s professional image. Maintains open/effective communications. Uses problem-solving techniques to tactfully address and resolve questions/concern.
  • Promotes the district’s mission, philosophy, and vision. Monitors community demographics, resources, and emerging trends. Cultivates relationships that enhance student learning and promote a strong commitment of public support for he district.
  • Encourages innovations. Analyzes data to improve school operations. Serves as an information resource. Oversees the development and implementation of the district’s strategic plan.
  • Prepares board meeting agendas. Evaluates the on-going relevance of board policies. Serves as the board’s professional advisor.
  • Develops and updates administrative procedures. Uses personal discretion to address situations not covered by board policy or administrative procedures.
  • Provides staff leadership. Engenders staff enthusiasm and teamwork. Promotes a safe, efficient and effective work/learning environment. Advances the change process. Implements strategies and time-frames to accomplish organizational objectives. Helps resolve problems.
  • Directs the district’s business affairs. Oversees the development of the annual budget and appropriation measures. Authorizes the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that are appropriate for the purposes and needs of the school system.
  • Manages human resource functions. Administers employment contracts, demotions, transfers, non-renewals and termination processes. Formulates salary schedule and benefit package recommendations. Directs negotiation processes with employee bargaining units.
  • Administers the instructional program. Promotes academic excellence in a nurturing environment. Directs the development, assessment, and revision of curriculum guides and courses of study. Manages the planning process to select instructional materials and equipment.
  • Pursues funding opportunities. Prepares grant/foundation applications. Implements funded proposals and complies with reporting requirements.
  • Communicates expectations, provides guidance and shows an active interest in student progress.
  • Promotes professionalism. Implements assessment programs to measure staff performance. Directs the planning and delivery of effective staff development programs.
  • Facilitates short/long-range planning activities. Delineates financial and program resources necessary to achieve district objectives.
  • Oversees an ongoing program to protect and maintain district resources (e.g., buildings, grounds, equipment, etc.).
  • Enforces applicable local, state, and federal laws. Maintains effective relationships with community services (e.g., legal, health, welfare, etc.). Responds to emergencies as needed.
  • Directs the evaluation and revision of emergency preparedness/crisis management plans (e.g., fire, weather, security, etc.). Administers threat reporting, assessment, and response procedures.
  • Monitors safety concerns. Works with stakeholders to manage or eliminate risk factors.
  • Oversees the provision of effective transportation and food service programs.
  • Prepares/maintains accurate records. Submits required paperwork on time.
  • Maintains the confidentiality of privileged information.
  • Reports suspected child abuse and/or neglect to civil authorities as required by law.
  • Encourages parent organizations and promotes school-sponsored activities.
  • Pursues growth opportunities that enhance professional performance and advance district goals.
  • Strives to develop rapport and serve as a positive role model for others.
  • Helps students understand and embrace ethical conduct and democratic values.
  • Maintains a professional appearance. Wears work attire appropriate for the position.
  • Performs other specific job-related duties as directed by the Board of Education.

Role of Treasurer

  • Serves as chief fiscal officer and custodian of district funds. Maintains accurate financial accounts. Prepares reports that comply with all requisite governmental accounting standards.
  • Recommends operational improvements that enhance the district’s fiscal accountability.
  • Serves as an active member of the management team. Articulates a clear philosophy and shared vision of learning. Upholds board policies. Implements administrative guidelines/procedures.
  • Advances the district’s professional image. Maintains open/effective communications. Uses problem-solving techniques to tactfully address and resolve questions/concerns.
  • Promotes the district’s mission, philosophy, and vision. Monitors community demographics, resources, and emerging trends. Cultivates relationships that enhance student learning and promote a strong commitment of public support for the District.
  • Encourages innovations. Analyzes data to improve school operations. Serves as an information resource. Helps develop and implement the District’s strategic plan.
  • Provides staff leadership. Engenders staff enthusiasm and teamwork. Promotes a safe, efficient, and effective work/learning environment. Advances the change process. Implements strategies and time-frames to accomplish organizational objectives. Helps resolve problems.
  • Pursues funding opportunities. Prepares grant/foundation applications. Implements funded proposals and complies with reporting requirements.
  • Promotes professionalism. Implements assessment programs to measure performance of assigned staff. Oversees the delivery of effective development programs for assigned staff.
  • Serves as the board secretary and custodian of the district’s policy book. Prepares board minutes. Publishes legal notices. Accepts summons served on the board. Manages board communications.
  • Arranges depository contracts with eligible banking institutions. Implements board-approved procedures to achieve a favorable return on investments. Works cooperatively with auditors.
  • Collaborates with the board and superintendent to prepare annual appropriation measures.
  • Reviews borrowing needs and administers debt programs.
  • Helps prepare prospectus for bond sales.
  • Facilitates short/long-range planning activities. Delineates financial and program resources necessary to achieve district objectives.
  • Seeks legal opinions regarding the treasurer’s responsibilities as needed.
  • Participates in the selection and orientation of treasurer’s office staff.
  • Assists the board during employee bargaining negotiations.
  • Maintains personnel files. Prepares employment contracts. Oversees the preparation of payrolls and all related records (e.g., unemployment, workers compensation, retirement, medical/life insurance, severance pay, etc.).
  • Oversees the preparation of authorized salary schedules and wage change notices.
  • Administers the timely collection of accounts receivable. Prepares revenue projections. Recommends appropriation modifications, transfers, and advances.
  • Supervises fiscal control of budgetary accounts. Receives, opens, and documents competitive bids. Authorizes purchase orders. Certifies the availability of funds as required by law. Receives invoices and approves payments. Signs checks. Prepares 1099 forms.
  • Acts as the board’s agent for signing authorized contracts.
  • Implements procedures to monitor, account, and audit student activity funds. Conducts in-service training sessions to update staff on financial accountability procedures (e.g. cash handling, activity accounts, fundraising, fees, ticket sales, etc.).
  • Manages insurance programs (e.g., property, liability, fleet, student, etc.).
  • Reviews and certifies state department of education financial reports.
  • Oversees a perpetual inventory control system for fixed assets. Maintains depreciation schedules. Prepares an end-of-year inventory report.
  • Discards archived documents following the board-adopted records retention/disposal schedule.
  • Monitors safety concerns. Works with stakeholders to manage or eliminate risk factors.
  • Upholds applicable local, state, and federal laws. Maintains effective relationships with community services (e.g., legal, health, welfare, etc.). Responds to emergencies as needed.
  • Supervises the collection, verification, and data entry/recording of program information as directed.
  • Prepares/maintains accurate records. Submits required paperwork on time.
  • Maintains the confidentiality of privileged information.
  • Reports suspected child abuse and/or neglect to civil authorities as required by law.
  • Encourages parent organizations and promotes school-sponsored activities.
  • Pursues growth opportunities that enhance professional performance and advance district goals.
  • Strives to develop rapport and serve as a positive role model for others.
  • Helps students understand and embrace ethical conduct and democratic values.
  • Maintains a professional appearance. Wears work attire appropriate for the position.
  • Performs other specific job-related duties as directed by the Board of Education.
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