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School Closing Inclement Weather
Anthony Wayne Local Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, January 22 due to the continued dangerously low windchills.

Anthony Wayne

High School


Counseling Services

Counseling Services at Anthony Wayne High School
Counseling services are an integral part of the total experience at Anthony Wayne High School. Our comprehensive counseling program involves a team approach utilizing the cooperation of teachers, administrators, parents, and resource personnel to meet the social, emotional, vocational, and educational needs of each student.

This webpage is designed to keep parents and students aware of activities and important dates, and to provide additional resources to students and parents. We encourage students and parents to contact your counselor at any time during the year. 

Links provided throughout the Guidance Department website are for your convenience and for informational purposes only. They does not constitute or imply endorsement of these sites.

Community Resources

awls community resource guideThe Anthony Wayne Local Schools counselors have curated a list of local services, organizations, programs and individuals who can provide support to our students and their families in various ways. The guide is offered only as a reference, the District does not endorse or recommend any specific provider on this list.If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your school counselor.

Download the AWLS Community Resource Guide


Anthony Wayne High School
5967 Finzel Road
Whitehouse, OH 43571

Laura Lochtefeld
Counseling Secretary

Lauren Murawski
Students with last names A-E

Daniel Kalo
Students with last names F-La

Joe Puhl
Students with last names Le - R

Michelle Reid
Students with last names S - Z

Rebekah Hrcka
School Social Worker

School Code

High School Code: 365525
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