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Fallen Timbers

Middle School


Counseling Services

Counseling Services at Fallen Timbers Middle School

The preteen years are represented by tremendous growth, both physically and emotionally. This growth can be awkward for children and hard to deal with and navigate as parents. As parents, you may find your child(ren) striving for independence while you might feel they are not ready.The counselors at Fallen Timbers Middle School provide provide individual, group, and classroom counseling for your students and can share resources to supplement individual families’ needs. Their goal is for students, families, and community members to feel comfortable communicating questions and concerns, and sharing student accomplishments. 

Our counselors truly enjoy working with your child(ren) in this age group. Our goal is to provide them with the tools to help them mature into responsible, well-rounded and thriving teens. We are always open to helping with any issues that may arise at school or at home.

AWLS Community Resource Guide

awls community resource guideThe Anthony Wayne Local Schools counselors have curated a list of local services, organizations, programs and individuals who can provide support to our students and their families in various ways. The guide is offered only as a reference, the District does not endorse or recommend any specific provider on this list.If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your school counselor.

Download the AWLS Community Resource Guide


Classroom Guidance

At the middle school each of us conducts a variety of classroom guidance activities on a regular basis. These activities may include lessons on social skills, relationships, test preparation, careers, acceptance of others and problem solving skills.

Small Group Counseling

Through out the school year a variety of small groups are formed to meet the needs of identified groups of children. These groups address social, emotional, or academic issues. Topics may include self esteem, anger management, friendships, or academic issues. The students meet with their counselor once a week for 6-8 weeks either during lunch or study hall.

Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling will be provided to students with unique concerns that cannot be addressed in group or classroom guidance. These students are referred to individual counseling by teachers, principals, parents or they may request this service themselves.


The individual concerns and information about students are very important and will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality. Information will not be shared with outside agencies or individuals without written permission from parents. Furthermore, confidential information not related to academics will not be shared with teachers without parental consent.

Fallen Timbers Middle School
6119 Finzel Rd.
Whitehouse, OH 43571

Stephanie Huntley
6th Grade Counselor

Jennifer Minni
5th Grade Counselor

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