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School Closing Inclement Weather
Anthony Wayne Local Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, January 22 due to the continued dangerously low windchills.


Primary School


Counseling Services

School counselors provide social-emotional education, prevention, and intervention services to help students achieve academic success. Counselors collaborate with parents, staff members, and the community to create a safe and caring school climate that supports all students. Throughout the school year, counselors work with students individually, in small groups, and in classroom lessons. Common areas of focus include: feeling identification, emotional regulation, social skills, conflict resolution, coping skills, stress management, academic and behavior support, career awareness, and support for family stressors and changes.
About Mr. Buehrer
As Monclova’s school counselor, Mr. Bueher is a part of your child’s school team. The 2021-22 school year marked his ninth year as a school counselor, and he was previously a teacher at Monclova Primary for nine years.  

Like a teacher, a counselor looks for ways to help each child be successful and maximize his or her potential, both academically and personally/socially.  School counselors are human behavior and relationship specialists who have a commitment to individual uniqueness and work collaboratively with teachers, parents and administrators to make school a rewarding and enjoying experience for your child. 

Elementary counselors deal with a broad spectrum of issues:  from small issues like playground disagreements between students, to much more serious issues like childhood anxiety and abuse. Mr. Buehrer works with students individually, in small groups and within the classroom. He also consults with parents and teachers to aid in problem solving possible solutions for student concerns. 

Please refer to the school newsletter for additional and updated information regarding Monclova's counseling program.  If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to share, Mr. Buehrer can be reached by phone or email.

Anthony Wayne Local Schools Community Resource Guide

awls community resource guideThe Anthony Wayne Local Schools counselors have curated a list of local services, organizations, programs and individuals who can provide support to our students and their families in various ways. The guide is offered only as a reference, the District does not endorse or recommend any specific provider on this list.If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your school counselor.

Download the AWLS Community Resource Guide

School-Wide Initiatives

Character Program

Through classroom presentations, school-wide assemblies, individual discussions with children and the morning announcements, students are encouraged to think about the character-building General Expectations of Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.  

General Expectations
This is part of the district-wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) program. The character program involves staff members “catching” students displaying good acts, positive behavior and character building examples. Students are nominated by their teacher for exhibiting one of the General Expectations. Twice each quarter, there is a Super Wheel assembly where qualifying students spin for prizes, while they are recognized for their positive behavior. During these assemblies, each featured student earns the opportunity to spin the Character Wheel, and each winning student is recognized by sharing the positive behavior that was displayed by the student with their peers.    

Kids of Character
This program involves a teacher/peer nomination of a student who has demonstrated extraordinary character. This is one of the top awards in our school and is reserved for those students who constantly go above and beyond in demonstrating the General Expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Safety each day at school. 

Once the nominations come, one child, in each grade level, becomes a Monclova Kid of Character. This award is featured on a school wide announcement where the school counselor shares what he/she did that demonstrated good character and the student receives a certificate and prize. These students are also photographed for the award, and the pictures are featured in the “Kid of Character” bulletin board in the main hallway display case.

Bullying Prevention

Arguments, confrontations, fighting. These behaviors happen between siblings, schoolmates, teammates and friends. Unkind words might be said. Names may be called. Pushes can lead to shoves.
Is it bullying? In most cases, it is not. Such quarrels are clashes that can be resolved with an apology and discussion. These situations can be categorized as a normal part of growing up and learning social skills.
Sometimes, however, these actions are the intentional acts of a bully. To help distinguish bullying from routine childhood conflicts, look for these characteristics:
  • Bullying is intentional and planned. The target does not knowingly and willingly provoke the bully.
  • Bullying behavior is repetitive. Bullying is carried out repeatedly over time. 
  • With bullying there is a real or perceived imbalance of power between the bully and the victim. Power can be physical strength, social status, or intimidating behavior. It is not bullying if it happens between children with a balance of power. 
  • Bullying can be lots of things. It is hitting, pushing, name calling, teasing, threatening, sending mean e-mails, taking or ruining another person's things, leaving someone out, and other negative behaviors.
  • Bullying is not a bad day on the playground, unkind words from a friend, or being excluded from play a time or two.  Bullying is chronic.  It is a pattern of behavior that is repeated.  A truly bullied child has endured mean behavior over time.
What Can You Do To Help Your Child With Bullying?
Teach your child that everyone has differences and the unique nature of people is what makes us special.  When a child begins to value personal differences, being different doesn’t bother them. Reacting is something a bully likes to see. Less reacting normally causes much less of a problem for children.  

Help your child become able to handle most problems on his/her own. As social problems pop up during their school years, avoid involving the teacher right away (over small social bumps). Instead, work together with your child to come up with solutions, strategies, and ways of handling these bad moments. 

When children are able to handle most issues on their own, they figure out what works for them and they gain confidence daily. As a result, they gain problem-solving skills which will benefit them throughout the rest of their school years and their entire adult lives. Encourage your child to share problems, big and little, and praise them as you see those confident social skills emerging.

Counseling Services

Counseling at Monclova Primary School is approached in three formats: Individual, Small Group and Classroom Guidance.  

Individual Counseling
Individual counseling is a service offered to kindergarten through fourth grade students. Students may be referred for counseling by a parent, a teacher, other staff member or themselves. Counseling is normally short-term and based on the problem/situation.

Many times, students will request a visit with the counselor regarding a situation at school and we will meet briefly to try to resolve the situation, particularly if there has been a problem on the playground, hallway, lunchroom or with another student(s).

If the problem situation resulted in some type of consequence, the student will meet with the principal or dean of students. The counselor does not see students for discipline, but rather to assist in conflict resolution so that students can return to the classroom and resume normal activities with their teacher and classmates.

Serious behavior problems or certain family issues may require more in-depth counseling with a licensed professional counselor at an outside agency. The school counselor can assist you with more information about resources in the community for counseling and for outside counseling regarding non-school related situations.  

Small Group Counseling
Small group counseling is a service provided to kindergarten through fourth grade. This involves the counselor working with two or more students together. Group size generally ranges from four to eight members. Group discussions may be relatively unstructured or may be based on structured learning activities.  
Students may be invited to join a small group during the course of the school year. Group members have an opportunity to learn from each other. They can share ideas, give and receive feedback, increase their awareness, gain new knowledge, practice skills, and think about their goals and actions. 

Classroom Guidance
Classroom Guidance meetings offer the best opportunity to provide guidance to the largest number of students in the school. Classroom guidance is provided to all students in grades K-4.

Growing Up: Tips for Families

Working as the school counselor and a previous teacher, I have the opportunity to see hundreds of students grow over the course of their time at Monclova Primary.  I see students reach new and exciting academic milestones, as well as those which are of a personal/social nature.  

During this childhood growth process, I also see some parents struggling to figure out when to let go of “doing it for” their children. Some parents gracefully go through the grades, with a natural ability to give children more and more independence. Other parents tend to cling more to their children, by contacting teachers over minimal childhood issues, constant fretting, asking for special treatment, fighting playground battles for their children, and generally struggling to solve any unhappiness their child may face.  

It’s tough to see and often confusing for our children.  More importantly, it slows the process of building self-esteem and personal responsibility.  In order to become confident and able, all children (as well as adults) must discover ways to solve most of their own issues on their own. 

At Monclova School, the staff aims to foster an increased level of responsibility as the children progress through school.  We also strive to provide our students with opportunities to establish and build upon various life skills that will benefit them throughout their entire education and adult life.  When children are given the opportunity to feel minimally awkward, worried and unsure, they begin to work toward developing an increased level of independence. During these “lessons,” most children learn to figure life out and do so quite successfully.
Here are a few ages 6-10 social/emotional facts to consider as your child grows:
Developing self-esteem is a central issue during these years. As a parent, you cannot give your child self-esteem. Exposure to a variety of sports, friends and situations helps facilitate the learning process.  With each new-mastered skill, an ever-building sense of competence grows.
  • Your child is learning to use standards like grades or home runs to measure his performance.
  • Home is still very important and is the foundation for your child to become independent.
  • Increasing separation and independence from parents are healthy steps in your child's development. Going to a relative or a friend's house is important. Children need to function away from parents from time to time.
  • Your child is beginning to compare herself against other people's expectations. Mentally healthy children want to handle the rigor of school. They want to follow school rules and succeed. They want to succeed independently.
  • Your child is becoming aware that she is one of many people in the world. Up to this time, most children are focused primarily on themselves. Sometimes, this makes a child seem less outgoing than before. It is important your child goes through this stage. We need to develop empathy for those who share the world with us. Children can become excessively narcissistic without guidance. Encouraging your child to do kind acts for others is extremely important.
  • Your child is developing the social skills to make friends.
  • Your child is a wonderful mimic during these years, so be careful!  We always teach our children more through our actions than our words. Children during this time imitate both good and bad adult behavior.
  • Your child is able to communicate well with others without your help.
  • How other children perceive your child will affect his self-image.
Above all, demonstrate the love you have for your children, by understanding this emotional base. Give them wings and allow them to make mistakes. When these situations occur, use them as opportunities for learning and growth. Live through the tears and let them solve most of their own issues, as some problems are small and won't need adult intervention. Support your children and cheer for them all along the way.  Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Making mistakes/failure is a normal part of life and learning, and it is something that we all experience from time to time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mr. Buehrer


Monclova Primary School
8035 Monclova Road
Monclova, OH 43542

Christopher Buehrer

Rebekah Hrcka
School Social Worker

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