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Primary School


Special Areas


Students in grades 1-4 attend Music class once a week week for sixty minutes at a time. Kindergarten students attend Music once each week for thirty minutes. While in Music class students sing, study and play music, dance, move, and explore many musical concepts. Students in grades 1-4 also have the opportunity to present a music program to their fellow students during the school day and to parents and family members in the evening. Students in third and fourth grade also have the extra opportunity to participate in ensemble after school if interested.


Students at Waterville Primary attend art class once a week. Kindergarten students are in art class for 30 minutes and grades 1-4 are in art for an hour.

The students create art using a wide variety of materials including clay, plaster, chalk, oil pastel, colored pencil, pencil, watercolors and tempera paints. The children study art pieces from a wide variety of artists and also learn about art from cultures across the globe.

Each spring, pieces of art created by Waterville students are displayed at our District Art Show and Music Festival. You can also find selected pieces of student art on display throughout the building.

Physical Education

Students in grades 1-4 attend Physical Education class once a week for sixty minutes at a time. Kindergarten students attend Physical Education once each week for thirty minutes. During Physical Education classes, children are very active. They learn the importance of movement and work on many different developmentally appropriate activities to improve fitness, coordination and to have fun. A significant part of our Physical Education curriculum also focuses on fitness and nutrition. Students are always encouraged to wear or bring tennis shoes to school on Physical Education days so they can all participate fully and safely in all activities in the gymnasium.

Waterville Media Center

Students in all grades visit the media center once each week for sixty minutes. During this time they have an opportunity to check out books, hear stories, work on computers available in the media center and READ!!
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