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Anthony Wayne

Junior High School


About AWJH

Welcome to Anthony Wayne Junior High

aw junior high

Empowering Students to be Future Ready
At Anthony Wayne Junior High, our mission is to empower students to be future ready. Our high expectations extend from the classroom into the halls and throughout our community. Our seventh and eighth grade Generals embody the Portrait of a General competencies (Adaptability and Flexibility, Collaboration and Communication, Critical Thinking, Empathy, and a Learner’s Mindset) throughout their daily lives at Anthony Wayne Junior High. These core beliefs center our student experience to empower our Generals to be future ready!
Adaptability and Flexibility
While at AWJH, our students experience a wide variety of academic and extracurricular programming. Academic experiences range from electives to advanced placement courses for both high school and college credit. Our variety of elective courses include musical arts, visual arts, STEM courses, world languages, principles of food and many more. This flexible curriculum allows students to explore coursework that supports their future planning. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of clubs including FCCLA, Yearbook and Student Council. Students can compete in interscholastic activities including Quiz Bowl, Cheerleading, Football, Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Wrestling and Track and Field. 
Collaboration and Communication
Our core area teachers utilize a hybrid team model. This allows students and families to communicate with a collaborative team of teachers for core areas. All students are placed into an Academic Assist class to provide the opportunity to connect with core area teachers. Students are also assigned a HomeBase to build collaboration skills and future ready opportunities. This allows students to collaborate with peer students and communicate with their teachers during this time for intervention and enrichment. Students are encouraged to be involved and participate in clubs and extracurricular activities to build their collaboration and communication skills. Families are encouraged to participate in our AWPTA to become active members in our school community.
Critical Thinking
As students participate in our Junior High coursework, they will begin exploring the three E’s for their post-high school future ready pathways: Employment, Enlistment and/or Enrollment. In doing so, they will research career houses and make intentional choices about their coursework. Students will hear from guest speakers, visit businesses, and virtually research and explore to better understand their pathway options. Intentional programming will be featured for students to think critically about their choices and the impact they have on their future! 
All students are expected to be respectful, responsible, safe, and involved while representing Anthony Wayne Junior High. Through our Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) system called the General Way, students will have the opportunity to earn rewards for positive behaviors. Through HomeBase, students will get the opportunity to work with students and staff that are not in their traditional classes. While in HomeBase, students will participate in General Strong lessons to develop skills in all of the Portrait of a General competency areas. Additionally, all students will participate in service projects in their school and community through their Social Studies curriculum.
Learner’s Mindset
Student growth and achievement is an important part of the student experience at Anthony Wayne Junior High. However, one of our main focuses is to create life-long learners. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves in their course selection, but also explore interests in the course curriculum and extracurricular activities. 
Future Generals
We look forward to meeting with you and sharing AWLS can empower your child to be future ready! Call 419-877-5342 to schedule a tour of Anthony Wayne Junior High. Visit our enrollment page to begin your career as a General.


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Anthony Wayne Junior High
6035 Finzel Road
Whitehouse, OH 43571

Phone: 419-877-5342
Fax: 419-877-1203

Jordan Lefevre

Lori Williams
Assistant Principal
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